Prevention & Intervention

Investigating strategies to keep people healthy and living in their own communities longer into old age. This includes, but is not limited to biomarkers of aging, pharmaceuticals and biological interventions, lifestyle interventions such as those focused on nutrition and physical activity, as well as social support and community-based interventions.


Meet faculty members and trainees in this research area:

Klein Geltink, Ramon
Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine

Lafleur, Danielle
PhD Student, Audiology and Speech Sciences, Faculty of Medicine

Losciale, Justin
PhD Student, Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Medicine

Macdonald, Heather
Research Associate, Active Aging Research Team

Madden, Kenneth
Professor, Division of Geriatric Medicine, Faculty of Medicine

McKay, Heather
Professor, Department of Orthopaedics and Family Practice, Faculty of Medicine

Metcalfe-Roach, Avril
PhD Student, Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Science

Nettlefold, Lindsay
Senior Scientist, Active Aging Research Team

Noroozi, Shamim
PhD Student, Mechanical Engineering, UBC Okanagan

Novek, Sheila
Postdoctoral Fellow, Nursing, Faculty of Applied Science

Page, Brent
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Patrick, David
Professor, School of Population and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine; Director of Research, BC Centre for Disease Control

Phinney, Alison
Professor and Associate Director, School of Nursing, Faculty of Applied Science

Puterman, Eli
Associate Professor, School of Kinesiology, Faculty of Education

Sin, Nancy
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts

Sirois, Ailsa
MSc Student, Nursing, Faculty of Applied Science

Staempfli, Sabina
PhD Student, Nursing, Faculty of Applied Science

Stenstrom, Robert
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine

Stringer, Eleah
Clinical and Sessional Instructor, Land and Food Systems, UBC; Clinical Dietician, BC Cancer-Victoria

Swann, Shayda
MD/PhD Student, Faculty of Medicine