2024 Friesen Conference – Community Care and Supports for Older Adults: Inclusion, Innovation & Integration

The Simon Fraser University Gerontology Research Centre and the associated Department of Gerontology welcome you to the 31st John K. Friesen Conference entitled “Community Care and Supports for Older Adults: Inclusion, Innovation and Integration.” The conference aims to provide information enabling our society to address cutting-edge issues and new opportunities to enhance community care and support systems targeting a rapidly aging population. Some of the emerging themes include social prescribing care and integration of community and health care systems, applications to age-friendly communities, and examination of facilitators and barriers to enhanced care, such as ageism, declining economic security, marginalization, and technological literacy and its age-related divides. Highlights include keynote addresses; topical panel discussions, symposia, and poster displays presented by local, national, and international speakers representing community organizations, NGOs, government, and academic sectors.

Goals of the conference are to highlight current issues in care of older adults and what is being done nationally, regionally and locally to address them. As well, the conference aims to provide a forum for experts,  public, private & non-profit agencies and organizations, and individuals to express their opinion of the progress made  to date in addressing the issues and to identify remaining gaps. Join this event on May 23 & 24 and make your voice heard.

To register and read more, please click here.