Lecture Title: Insomnia, Insufficient Sleep, and Immune Functioning
Speaker: Aric A. Prather, PhD is a Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Prather’s research centers on the causes and consequences of insufficient sleep, with a focus on how poor sleep impacts the immune system to increase one’s risk for infectious illness and inflammatory disease. His work also focuses on social determinants of sleep and sleep disparities. A licensed clinical psychologist, Dr. Prather helps run the UCSF Insomnia Clinic and treats patients with insomnia using cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I). Dr. Prather is an elected fellow to the Academy for Behavioral Medicine Research and the American Psychosomatic Society, has published more than 100 empirical papers, and is the recent author of The Sleep Prescription (Penguin Life), which provides practical, research-based guidance for improving one’s sleep.
Participants may attend the seminar in-person at the Rudy North Lecture Theatre in the Centre for Brain Health at UBC, or via Zoom. A light lunch will be provided for those attending in person.
Please register here for the seminar.
To join via Zoom:
Zoom Meeting ID: 91920 975288
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Step 2: Enter the 11 digit Zoom Meeting ID then click ‘Join.’
Step 3: If you have the Zoom client click ‘Open Zoom Meetings,’ otherwise, click ‘join from your browser.’
Step 4: Enter the last 6 digits of the Zoom Meeting ID in the passcode field, then click ‘Join Meeting.’