Join us for our first Healthy Aging Research Seminar. Please register your attendance here
Dr. Michael Kobor, the Edwin S.H. Leong UBC Chair in Healthy Aging – A UBC President’s Excellence Chair, will provide a welcome and introduction to the new Edwin S.H. Leong Healthy Aging Program
Following this, Dr. Kenneth Madden, Professor in the Division of Geriatrics in the Department of Medicine at UBC will present on “New uses for bedside ultrasound in the older adult patient”.
Summary: Dr. Madden’s presentation will describe some of the latest research done by the Gerontology and Diabetes Research Laboratory (GDRL) on establishing point-of-care ultrasound as a technique useful in answering specific clinical questions at the bedside of an older adult patient.
Learning Objectives
- To recognize the increasing importance of bedside ultrasound in both medicine in general and in care for older adults specifically.
- To be able to describe newer uses and limitations for this technology in common issues seen in this population, such as sarcopenia, frailty and diabetes.
We invite you to join us in person if possible to get to know others at UBC doing work related to healthy aging. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. For those who can’t attend in person, there is also an option to join via Zoom:
Zoom: Meeting ID: 98589 778241; Passcode: 778241
Step 1: Open and click on ‘join a meeting’.
Step 2: Enter the 11 digit Zoom ID and then click ‘join’.
Step 3: If you have the Zoom client click ‘open Zoom meetings,’ otherwise, click ‘join from your browser.’
Step 4: Enter the last 6 digits of the Zoom meeting ID in the passcode field then click ‘join meeting’.