Farinaz Havaei, PhD
Dr. Farinaz Havaei is a health system researcher with a passion for improving the quality and safety of healthcare services across the healthcare spectrum particularly the long-term care (LTC) sector. Given the critical role that nurses play in ensuring their patients’ health and safety, Dr. Havaei’s research studies and addresses those system levels factors (e.g. unit level, organizational level, policy level) that improve workplace psychological health and safety of nurses and subsequently their ability to deliver effective patient care. Dr. Havaei is currently the lead investigator of three provincially (MSFHR) and nationally (CIHR) funded research studies examining the impact of pandemic management strategies such as the one high-risk site policy and the visitation policy on LTC staff and their ability to deliver quality and safe care to residents and their families. Dr. Havaei is also a psychometrics expert and has acted as the primary methodologist on several quantitative and psychometrics research projects.
Keywords: Health services, healthy work environments, long-term care, nursing care delivery, quality care, health human resource planning
Email: farinaz.havaei@ubc.ca