Mark Beauchamp, PhD
Dr. Mark Beauchamp is a Professor in the School of Kinesiology at the University of British Columbia and leads the Psychology of Exercise, Health, and Physical Activity Laboratory (PEHPA Lab).Drawing from diverse disciplines (that include behavioural medicine, organizational psychology, and education) the PEHPA Lab is concerned with (a) understanding both barriers to, and facilitators of, physical activity behaviour across the age spectrum, and (b) developing conceptually-sound evidence-based interventions that are cost-effective and sustainable. He was the PI of the GrOup-based physical Activity for oLder adults (GOAL) Trial, which aimed to test group-based physical activity programs for older adults at three YMCA locations in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia.
Keywords: health psychology, physical activity, exercise, interventions, randomized controlled trials, social cognition, close relationships