Visiting Scholar In-Residence Award

The Edwin S.H. Leong Centre for Healthy Aging (ELCHA) welcomes invited, self-funded visiting faculty and visiting scholars. These visiting appointments are generally six months long. On occasion, shorter visits are possible, at a minimum of 3 months.

Visitors in this category provide a valuable opportunity for the exchange of ideas and research and the creation of new and ongoing national and international research collaborations. Invited visitors are admitted into this program only where there is a Faculty Sponsor from the ELCHA who supports the application. In addition, the award is contingent on the availability of funds, and a maximum of two awards are given annually.

Recipients will receive $5,000, which can be put towards research expenses incurred while at UBC or costs associated with relocation, including airfare, moving expenses or accommodation. In addition, recipients will be provided office space in a shared office. Applications are accepted on an ongoing bases. To increase the chance of success, we recommend applying a minimum of 1 year from the anticipated start date at UBC.

Please see the document below for the guidelines and application form.